Jan 2022 Blog - Adaptation & Intention
/What are you doing New Year’s Eve? I am happy to mention that I will be one of several excellent presenters at the Let It Shine New Year's Weekend Virtual Retreat that starts 4:44 PM on Friday 12/31/21 via Zoom and continues with inspiring and interactive sessions through January2nd. Sign up for just $44 and all the links and times will be emailed. Sign up now! https://kaceysplace.com/new-year-weekend-retreat
If you are looking to release the energy of 2021 and begin 2022 with excitement, inspiration, and positive energy then I can think of no greater group of healers available at such a reasonable price over a 3-day period.
I am honored to be “kicking off” this virtual retreat with my friend and fellow healer Kacey Morabito Grean where will start the weekend with “Raise Your Vibration in 2022 - an introduction to your Light Centers”.
Our Themes for January 2022 are AWARENESS & INTENTION And my quote of the month is so timely for the energy surrounding us as we enter into 2022. “Life is a process of adaptation…. “ see below
ad·ap·ta·tion noun
1. the action or process of adapting or being adapted. Similar:
2. Biology a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.
So how do we adapt to this now multi-year long Pandemic which has had such profound impacts on our daily lives?
“Life is largely a process of adaptation to the circumstances in which we exist.”
When the COVID shutdowns started on March 13, 2020 in NY and extended into the phased re-openings in 2020, then to the rollout of vaccines in 2021 to the mask mandates of on again and off again – to the perhaps ill-timed parades and parties celebrating the “end of the pandemic” to now the prolific Omicron variant. It feels like we take 2 steps forward and three 3 back as we collectively experience what psychologists call the “7 Stages of Grief” which we have been now experiencing for almost 2 full years!
Shock and denial.
Pain and guilt
Anger and bargaining.
The upward turn.
Reconstruction and working through.
Acceptance and hope.
There are days when I still feel I experience all 7 of these stages before lunch. But I am hopeful that we are now in the phases of “reconstruction, working through, and most importantly HOPE”. I remind myself every day that there is so much to be grateful and happy about. Maybe this is my “working through” phase. The acceptance phase for me is embracing letting go of the idea of “going back to normal”. There is really never any “going back” when we think about anything. In the course of time, we always move forward. The past created the present and present is creating the future. The only way through is forward. That leads us perfectly to our 2nd theme word for January.
in·ten·tion noun
1. a thing intended; an aim or plan. 2. In Medicine: the healing process of a wound. Similar: HOPE
How interesting that there are 2 main definitions for intention and one of them is the healing process for a wound. The other is the aim or plan. Both are perfect as we close the books on 2021 and welcome in 2022. We are certainly in the healing process of a wound (2020/2021) and a thing intended (2022). Notice that the “similar” word to Intention is HOPE!
There are many opportunities to set intention all year long but it is by far most popular at the New Year. Our first task when setting an intention is to have a better idea of what we want the outcome to be. “We’ll see what happens” is not an answer to “What do you want?” What do you desire? How do you want things to change? Desire forms our sense of direction and moves us forward.
“We cannot change what we refuse to see” Oprah Winfrey
In addition to perhaps to the usual lose weight, eat better (always on the top of my list), invite yourself to dig deeper. Reflect on the principles you might want to embrace as you embark on in 2022. Maybe this year, be a little kinder, a little gentler. Utilize what I like to call your “direct connection” to Spirit and allow some thoughts to come up around what you believe your guiding principles are. Then ask yourself what is it you truly desire in 2022?
For me I will be reminding myself of all I am grateful for not the least of which is all of you my clients and friends at Rose Healing Center. Whenever you feel yourself slipping into deep fear, this is a great exercise. Ask yourself – what am I grateful for?
Love, Light and Blessings to everyone. Best wishes for a healthy, peaceful and Happy 2022.