February 2017 News from Rose Healing

Hello Friends of Rose Healing.

February is the shortest month of the year but somehow, especially in the Northeast  - it can feel long. During this time we must remember that there are seeds below the ground just waiting to sprout in Spring.  Think about the seeds we are planting for the Spring in our lives. Of course February is also St. Valentine's day and all that is connected with that.  I cannot believe a year has passed since I wrote my first ever blog piece for our book 365 Days of Angel Prayers which happened to be about Valentine's day. For those who may wish to read it, it is available here:  

The intention I set before choosing the oil and oracle card for all of us was what concepts, ideas, dreams do we wish to manifest in 2017? As we are doing each month, I have asked the Angels to please bring me a clear and concise message for my clients and friends using both the Oracle Cards and the Young Living Oils. I asked for a card for the highest intention of all and was guided to choose from the Magical Mermaid and Dolphin deck of Doreen Virtue. 

OUR CARD FOR FEBRUARY IS "Watch Your Thoughts" 

This cards certainly seems timely to me.  We all need to be reminded that thoughts manifest into form.  Realizing that the past few weeks and months have been incredibly difficult on so many levels.  Become aware of when fear is really invading your life.  Question your thoughts "is that really true?"    Catch yourself when you slip into negativity and say "cancel that".   Switch your thoughts to the positive because thoughts become things.  During this month when many may feel they have no control over certain situations, be reminded that you always have control over your thoughts - if you have awareness around it.  And remember our card from January - Meditate.  Always a good choice when we are feeling overwhelmed. 

Our Young Living Oil for February is Rosemary 

Ha! I laughed when I saw the oil that came through for February. First of all it is my name. But more importantly when you read on you will see why it is so incredibly timely and connected to our oracle card and the general energy of the month. 

Rosemary is the oil of transition and knowledge - two things we are certainly grappling with right now as a Nation, and as individuals. Rosemary oil helps with difficulty adjusting or transitioning. It supports one feeling confident through times of great change and helps us gain understanding and perspective.  Well, that certainly resonates for me and I hope it does for you too. 

The following is just a few of the list of approved uses (by the FDA) for Rosemary Essential Oil. 

  • Supports healthy respiratory function
  • Supports healthy digestion
  • Reduces nervous tension
  • Memory booster - excellent while studying.

Use by diffusing, inhaling or adding to bath. 

If you are interested in learning more about purchasing pure essential oils, please contact us. 

Thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this adventure called life.  