April 2020 Blog - Peace over Panic
/Each month when I sit down to write this blog I have to push through the resistance I feel to writing it. It is not that I don’t have something to say, it is just the ongoing efforts of coming up with new ideas of what to write about. In the time of COVID19 this was even more pronounced than normal. So I have a process. I put a reminder in my email to start it usually a week or two week before the 1st of the month. I usually start by re-reading last month’s blog and then I connect to my higher self or source (God) and ask for help. That last step is by far the most important.
I was kind of shocked to re-read what I wrote in Mid-February for our March theme. A “time-out” was the March theme. Wow even I did not realize exactly how much of a time out we were talking about! I am re-sharing two sections from my March blog because they certainly carry over into April.
Ogunquit maine sunrise June 2019
During the time out, maybe if you listen hard enough you will hear your own voice and that of Source guiding you. There is real emphasis on how we waste our time and how easily we can be distracted from what really matters. Maybe you could ask some probing questions like what would my life look like if I were free from fear, lack, anxiety or self-sabotage? The work you do on yourself will have a ripple effect on all those around you. So be aware that when we focus inward it has outward implications.
Yes. Certainly those words can carry over into April. Especially the line about how we “waste our time and how easily we are distracted from what really matters”. Our Theme for April is Peace over Panic. We are in an unprecedented world-wide pandemic that has effectively shut down life as we know it. So it doesn’t take being an intuitive to figure out that April’s energy will be even more challenging and perhaps some of the most difficult weeks we have experienced in a long time. New York State appears to be the epicenter of the outbreak in the USA and Westchester County NY (where Rose Healing Center is located) was one of the early hot spots for the virus. During these past few weeks, we have had opportunities to witness the best of humanity and the worst of humanity. From the brave men and women on the front lines in medicine, science, government, law enforcement, fire and ems emergency response to the service workers like truck drivers, delivery people, sanitation workers, food service workers, grocery store workers and more. These are the people who are out there every day putting their own lives at risk. And we send them so much gratitude and love. To the worst examples like people punching other people in stores while fighting over toilet paper. I am also sending them love but maybe a little tough love too. ;-)
For many of us this time has meant some major adjustments to a whole new way of being. Specifically being at home, alone but together. Some are experiencing the difficulties of being isolated alone while other are quarantined in our homes with our families. As I have spoken about this with many of my clients, each has its own set of benefits and challenges. So how do we choose Peace over Panic? To assist everyone I have shared a list of suggestions on how to cope with being at home. I can't control a lot of what is going on right now, but I can contribute this information which available at our COVID19 page.
The other theme is being present. We talk often in the holistic community about living in the moment, being present etc. Perhaps there is not better time than now to really understand what that means. To live today, and then tomorrow. No planning for a future, at least not yet. Only the now.
There is a comprehensive list of suggested coping mechanisms at our RHC COVID19 page - but I will also share a few right here: Avoid excessive exposure to media coverage of this pandemic. Limit the amount you take in but of course stay informed. Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and avoid alcohol and drugs. Be grateful for what you do have. There is so much to be grateful for. Remind yourself of that.
Be aware of how much you are attaching to the story. Yes, this is real. But watching it over and over is not helping. Take a break from the media. Choose a time to look at news maybe once or twice a day. Practice self-care. Some suggestions – Keep your own health high. Make good food choices, move your body, get enough sleep. Get out in the sunshine. Call a friend. Find support online with Yoga, Meditation or Energy work. Even small decisions during this time can have a large impacts on your health and the health of those around you.
Consistently remind yourself that this is temporary. Longer than any of us would have ever thought possible but still temporary. Rose Healing Center is here to help (virtual sessions, phone sessions). Did you remember to download our free guided meditations with the crystal harp? I am holding each one of you in my loving thoughts and sending each person who reads these words a burst of energy filled with vibrant health. You are not alone. We are all in this together. Blessings to you all.