May 2021 Blog Theme is Nurture
/Welcome May. We are truly embracing the energy of spring now - you can see it in the blooming trees and sprouting leaves. May is also the month we celebrate Mother’s day and all the incredible women in our lives as well as Memorial Day our sacred day of observence for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for America. More about that in a bit.
Our theme for May is “Nurture”. Particularly self – nurturing. So how do you allow yourself time for self-care? If you are a mother of young children do you believe that it is even in your realm of possibility? We each need to give ourselves permission for rest, relaxation and self-care. There is that old saying on the plane, please place your own oxygen mask on before attempting to help others. Another aspect of being a nurturing person is possibly also being called an empathetic person or an “empath”. Empaths’ seem to be getting more and more attention these days as people who “feel too much”.
“Empathy” definition from Wikipedia: Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to place oneself in another's position. There are many definitions for empathy that encompass a broad range of emotional states. Types of empathy include cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and somatic empathy.
If you think you a person who feels “too much” and might be picking up on other people’s energy, then you might want to consider these few steps to self-care:
Establish a daily practice that you do for yourself. A daily prayer, meditation, walk in nature or whatever feeds your soul and helps you be connected to you and spirit.
Learn to say “NO”. No is a complete sentence. It does not require any further explanation. You can add “NO, thank you.” If it makes you feel better.
Have regular body work. Massage, CranioSacral, Reflexology.
Try a new things perhaps a virtual hands-off energy medicine session.
Reach out to Rose Healing Center and ask how we can help ;-)
Upcoming Living in the Light Virtual Event - 5/12/21 through 5/16/21
Cheryl Banfield
I am very excited to be a Workshop Leader in an virtual intensive 5 day “Living in the Light” program May 12 - May 16 led by Cheryl Banfield of Love Light Illuminations Center. Living In The Light is vibrational training for all aspects of your being: Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul, Oneness. It is more unlearning than learning: clearing misinterpretations, misunderstandings and assumptions. It is for expanding self and universal awareness.
The morning sessions will consist of guided multidimensional sensory meditation. You will receive: transmissions of light, light code activations, and high resonant downloads with crystalline light frequencies. You will have the opportunity to experience energetic shifts opening to higher frequencies for newer understanding, accessing divine consciousness, stepping into cosmic flow and allowing yourself to receive and transmit divine light in a higher vibration.
The afternoon sessions will continue your transformational shifting through powerful workshops held by 4 light facilitators, all trained LoveLight Practitioners: Catherine Anesi, Rosemary Boyle Lasher, Mandy Mathiesen and Emily Medri. The workshops will provide interactive experiences and learning self-healing techniques for full integration of all 5 aspects of self: mind, body, spirit, soul and oneness.
Living In The Light will bring you into energetic alignment by shifting your frequency. This allows the opportunity to reach newer understanding, access divine consciousness, step into cosmic flow and receive divine light, which you will then transmit out into the world. More information is available.
Learn more about this Upcoming 5 Day Event from 5/12 - 5/16.
As I think about Mother’s Day this year, I am using it as a time to reflect on the many amazing women in my life who helped to shape and inform the woman I’ve become. May is the perfect month to acknowledge them. I encourage all of you to make a list of the incredible women/mothers in your life. As I went through this excerise, I really found myself in such deep gratitude for these amazing women of distinction.
I honor first my mother Harriet and my grandmothers Rose, and Mary. Then my sister Laurie and my nieces Samantha and Isabella. Then there are the Aunts who had a significant role in my life including Betty, Marianne, Collette, Terry, Jessie, Vera, Sally. My accomplished cousins who are more like sisters, Ellen, Mary, Kelly and so many more. The incredible role models, mentors and friends including Muriel, Linda, Ann, Helen, Rene, Jeni, ReRe, Holly, Deborah, Betty Sue, Cathleen, Cheryl, Emily, Mandy, Cori, Kerry and so many more. Many in this lengthy list are now passed but their wise wisdom and love lives on in their children, grandchildren the many lives they touched including mine.
In May we also honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation in the marking of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is often described as the “unofficial start of summer” with a 3 day weekend filled with grilling, corn on the cob, and delicious desserts. But it is (or should be) so much more than that.
Memorial Day itself is a sacred day of observance, centered on acknowledging, remembering, and thanking the millions of people in uniform who gave their lives for this country. Before anything else, it's about those brave heroes and the incredible sacrifice they made so that we could all be free.
Of course, in order to properly pause, reflect, and pay your respects to the soldiers to whom we owe our many freedoms, you'll have to first know when to do so. Memorial day is May 31st this year.
Wishing you all a wonderful May.