June 2024 ❤️🩹 Forgiveness ❤️🩹 Rhodochrosite
/Crystal: Rhodochrosite
Spotlight on: Cathy Anesi blog piece featuring the Benefits of Sound Baths/Sound Healing
Event: Summer Solstice Sound Bath at Kinosaito Arts Center - Friday 6/21/24 at 6 PM - Get your tickets now.
Full Moon: June 21, 2024 “Strawberry moon”
Quote: When you forgive others, they may not notice, but you will heal. Forgiveness is not something we do for others; it is a gift to ourselves. Iyanla Vanzant
Welcome June! This is the month when the outdoors really shines. So get outdoors and enjoy! It is a time of year that is filled with celebrations – graduations, weddings, Father’s Day and Summer Solstice (one of my most favorite days as it is always energetically powerful). I am especially grateful in 2024 to be able to offer a Solstice Sound Bath at Kinosaito Arts Center on 6/21/24.
We are in a major transition time and a huge shift in consciousness and vibration. Self-reflection, curiosity, optimism, and creativity will be required to help us navigate this month and the months to come. June is also an opportunity at this half way point in the year to consider where we may have been holding onto old hurts or perceived transgressions. Consider allowing yourself time in June to think about forgiving both yourself and the other person. Take responsibility for your own shift, and stay in your own lane with regards to where others are in their navigation. Acceptance, neutrality and kindness go a long way to ease the discomfort of this time. Try to remember that for yourself first and then for others.
Cathy Anesi featured my Sound Baths in her Blog
My friend and fellow practitioner Cathy Anesi on the Benefits of Sound Healing in her blog where I am featured:
If you're ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery, I invite you to explore the transformative power of sound healing.Whether you're seeking relief from stress, anxiety, or physical discomforts, or simply longing for a sense of inner peace and spiritual growth, sound healing has the potential to guide you towards a state of wholeness and harmony. No matter where you are in the world, you can enjoy the benefits of sound healing. But when I’m in New York I see: Rosemary Boyle Lasher, Verplanck, NY, Rose Healing, Kino Saito
READ MORE - Sound Healing: Revealing its Magic, Embracing its Grace, and Guiding Your Spiritual Evolution
Sound Baths @ Kinosaito June - September 2024 On Sale NOW!
Our Theme for June: Forgiveness Whether we are tying to find forgiveness in our heart for world events or something much more personal. But it is one that I am often guided to write about in this blog. Forgiving someone who has hurt you can feel incredibly difficult. It's natural to want to hold onto anger or resentment, especially when the transgression was serious. But what if I told you that forgiveness isn't actually about the other person? It is actually about you.
What Forgiveness Isn't
Before diving in, let's clear up some misconceptions. Forgiveness is NOT:
Condoning the behavior: The act that hurt you was wrong, and forgiveness doesn't erase that ever.
Forgetting: The memory may stay, but the emotional sting lessens. Especially as you forgive.
Reconciliation: Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to resume the relationship if it's unhealthy.
The Power of Forgiveness
Some say forgiveness is a conscious decision to let go of negative emotions like anger and resentment. Here's why it matters:
“When you forgive others, they may not notice, but you will heal. Forgiveness is not something we do for others; it is a gift to ourselves.”
Mental health: Forgiveness can lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Holding onto grudges is like carrying a heavy weight. Letting go lightens the load.
Physical health: Chronic stress can impact your immune system, your joints and even heart health. Forgiveness can be a path to better overall well-being.
Relationships: Forgiveness can pave the way for healthier interactions with others, even if you don't reconcile with the person who hurt you.
Remember: It's a process, not a one-time event. Too often we perceive forgiveness as an event rather than a process.
One of the most critical component of forgiveness is to understand our own need to be forgiven. We must know we are first forgiven before we are able to truly forgive another. We have to be able to see our offender with eyes of mercy, understanding that we have the same potential to err and the same need to be forgiven.
Taking Steps to Forgive
There's no one-size-fits-all approach to forgiveness. Here are some tips to get you started:
Acknowledge your emotions: Don't bottle them up. Allow yourself to feel anger, hurt, or sadness. If you need help with this reach out to us here at Rose Healing Center or to a mental health professional.
Empathize (if possible): Try to see things from the other person's perspective. Understanding their motivations will NOT justify their actions, but it can offer some perspective. Often we may not want to not consider what brought the person who hurt us to act that way.
Focus on letting go: The goal is to release yourself from the negative emotions, not necessarily absolve the other person.
Seek support: Therapy can be a valuable tool in navigating the process of forgiveness as can spiritually supportive work like Reiki, Craniosacral therapy and Sound Healing.
Remember: Forgiveness is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself, and celebrate your progress. By choosing to forgive, you're taking back control of your own happiness and well-being.
Summer Solstice 6/21/24 and the Full “Strawberry” Moon
The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from a number of places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Historically, names for the full or new Moons were used to track the seasons. Today, we think of Moon names as “nicknames” for the Moon.
June’s full Moon—typically the last full Moon of spring or the first of summer—has traditionally been called the Strawberry Moon. While strawberries certainly are a reddish-pink color and are roundish in shape, the origin of the name “Strawberry Moon” has nothing to do with the Moon’s hue or appearance, despite the evocative imagery (shown in the artist rendering below). A Moon usually appears reddish when it’s close to the horizon because the light rays must pass through the densest layers of the atmosphere.
The summer solstice occurs at the moment the earth's tilt toward the sun is at a maximum. Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, the sun appears at its highest elevation. The summer solstice marks the first day of summer, when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky. The day is long, and the night is short. The sun is most potent on the summer solstice and is recognized as a time of powerful healing. Summer Solstice will occur on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, and December 22nd in the Southern Hemisphere.
The word itself springs from two Latin words: 'Sol' (sun) and 'systre' (standing still.) On the day when the sun stands still in the sky, many ancient traditions – from the Aztecs to the Druids – gathered to celebrate the height of the sun's power. The summer solstice also marks a shift in the year. After the solstice, the sun's power starts to decrease, the days gradually shortening as we head towards the darker half of the year. Such is the humbling ebb and flow of nature.
The summer solstice is an opportunity to rejuvenate your spirit and reconnect with yourself and the natural world by creating solstice rituals where we linger in the power of the longest, lightest day of the year. Many ancient cultures had summer solstice rituals. In Europe, Neolithic people held solstice rituals to bring abundant harvests and keep evil away.
A bit more about World Events
If you are feeling like there is nothing you can do to help the ongoing incredibly disturbing world events - consider how you can share love in your every day life. Smile at a stranger, share a kind word, help a neighbor or volunteer in your community. Spread love. Hug your family and friends, tell them you love them, appreciate them deeply. All of these events are reminders that life can be taken away in an instant. As incredibly difficult and heart-wrenching as these major events are, we must remember that we will heal. Hope will return against all odds because love is bigger than any horror or hate the world can throw at us.
Rhodochrosite - Our Crystal for June 2024
Rhodochrosite is a pink and red stone with white swirls. It works with the heart chakra and promotes self-love and love of others. Its beautiful gentle energy brings the vibration of self-love, forgiveness and compassion. It is also known as the Compassionate Heart stone. It empowers users to honestly examine old wounds and traumas, acknowledge the associated pain and releasing it together with any negative behaviors that were adopted as coping mechanisms.
Love, Light and Blessings to you all. Rose Healing Center is here to help you manifest what you wish to bring in to your life whether it be peace, health, creativity or something else. We offer a variety of services (either virtually or in person) including craniosacral therapy, reiki, energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing and more.